carl facing the camera in hair photo shoot

From kitchens to a best in the city favourite.


8 years ago the haircutting spark ignited. 8 years ago I cut hair out of kitchens and football locker rooms. For 2016 me and the team at Status Barber Shop have the chance to be voted Best in the city multiple times. They say the secret to success in the gym starts in the kitchen, well I’m not Arnold but damn. What I started in the kitchen years ago is turning into the life I can only dream about. You can do me a solid and vote here:

Please help me out and vote. The survey has a few questions, but there is a prize for the best voter as well!

Practice Makes Perfect!

Having clients from the kitchen days that come to me for routine cuts still, give me a huge appreciation for the Victoria people. Carl Baiden is one of my longest clients, this guy has been coming to me since before I had a blueprint for success, before my talents grew, before I had a full-time job, and before I decided this industry would be my future. He was one of the original kitchen clients.

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Blueprints for success:

Victoria gave me a blueprint for success. I hit the ground running with a little bit of talent, turned it into a dream, that turned into a passion, and now it’s a lifestyle. Carl’s cuts stay routine, but leaves me with yet another chance to satisfy, and deliver a exceptional product every single time. What truly makes blueprints beautiful is someone who can read them and develop an exceptional project every time. I have cut thousands of clients hair and their work is my testament to success. My goal is every year running is  not just to have Status Barber Shop voted best in the city, but to be recognized as the guy in the industry who dedicates everything to his clients.


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100% ALWAYS.

When you are looking for quality, reliability, and a barber who truly puts his heart and soul into your hair you can count on me. My promise to you is that if you give me 100% of your hair I will give you back 100% dedication and results. Give me your trust and I will take my artistic passion to the next level. I’m never satisfied, I’m a wolf and hungry for sucess.

A huge thank you to Carl who has been coming to me ever since the kitchen days. Clients like him keep me hungry for more and excited for what the future will bring. He also keeps me laughing the entire time. I love my clients and especially funny guys like Carl.. I deliver 100% effort in my haircuts and use my artistic talents from start to finish. Half done cuts aren’t my business.

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For ridiculous status updates- and to follow his Instagram journey through life toss the guy a follow:



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Where art collides with the Barber industry is where my passion lives. I am an artist who delivers art in the form of hair. Give me your time and I will give you a 100% dedicated effort to make your cut the best yet.